Ladies Bible Study

Starting Friday, June 7th our ladies will be having a 6 week inductive Bible Study taught by Rebekah Watson on the book of Jude.  The bible study will be held at Golden Path Martial Arts on Trolley Rd.  Please e-mail Kristin Seaver ( if you...

Self Evaluation

The other day, I (Mike) was reading God’s Word assuming I would read several verses in my devotion time, but then I was struck by two verses.  I read them probably 10 times and started asking a lot of questions to God and of myself.  Here are the verses… 1...

When Hope Doesn’t Seem Possible…

Recently, I (Mike) started reading Tim Keller’s The Meaning of Marriage.  It is a great book about marriage for both singles and married people.  One of the chapters I was reading spoke about the when a marriage is falling apart and hope seems lost.  This...

Bad Addition

I (Mike) was working with one of my daughters the other day on her Math.  I remembered the days of flashcards and worksheets that seemed endless.  I liked Math (I hated Reading) but I did think we overdid the worksheets. As we have been talking in our Galatians series...

Pleasing Man or Pleasing God?

In a world that is broken and tainted by sin, and with hearts that Calvin called “idol factories” we can often have a hard time wanting to please “man” more than please God.  This is a subject we will be talking about tomorrow as we unpack more...