Rachel’s Faith

Last week, we served Sangaree Middle School by helping bring in “Rachel’s Challenge,” an anti-bullying campaign.  On Sunday, Mike linked Rachel Scott’s life and death in the Columbine shooting, with her faith in Jesus....

Thankful for Hell?

Many of us do not thank God for hell.  We may not even think about the idea.  I know I (Mike) haven’t until the last year or so.  There has been a nagging feeling in me about the limits of human justice that has made me more thoughtful of and thankful for hell.  Let...

Ladies Bible Study

Starting Friday, June 7th our ladies will be having a 6 week inductive Bible Study taught by Rebekah Watson on the book of Jude.  The bible study will be held at Golden Path Martial Arts on Trolley Rd.  Please e-mail Kristin Seaver (kristin.seaver@gmail.com) if you...

Self Evaluation

The other day, I (Mike) was reading God’s Word assuming I would read several verses in my devotion time, but then I was struck by two verses.  I read them probably 10 times and started asking a lot of questions to God and of myself.  Here are the verses… 1...

Bad Addition

I (Mike) was working with one of my daughters the other day on her Math.  I remembered the days of flashcards and worksheets that seemed endless.  I liked Math (I hated Reading) but I did think we overdid the worksheets. As we have been talking in our Galatians series...

Pleasing Man or Pleasing God?

In a world that is broken and tainted by sin, and with hearts that Calvin called “idol factories” we can often have a hard time wanting to please “man” more than please God.  This is a subject we will be talking about tomorrow as we unpack more...